Public FLOWER deliverables:
WP M Management
WP C Communication
C2.2 Collection of the scientific articles published during the project
WP T1 Development of innovative non-woven preform
T1.3.1 Abacus connecting the properties of the non-woven preform to its production parameters (confidential)
T1.4.1 Technical report on the final architecture of the non-woven preform (confidential)
WP T2 Validation of innovative non-woven preforms
T2.1.2 Characterisation report of the mechanical and structural performances of the composites Télécharger
T2.3.1 Complete industrial validation plan for the automotive trim panel (confidential)
T2.3.2 Characterisation test report for the prototype automotive trim panel (confidential)
T2.4.1 Report on the Life Cycle Analysis of industrial prototypes based on non-wovens (confidential)
WP T3 Sewn and woven semi-products, exclusively made of long flax fibres
T3.3.1 Report describing the technical parameters of the manufacturing line for the semi-productsTélécharger
T3.3.2 Structural characterisation of the first prototype biaxial flax fibre semi-productTélécharger
T3.4.1 Technical report describing the scientific conclusions of the permeability measurementsTélécharger
WP T4 Production of a natural fibre biaxial fabric and integration of its composite in a sailboat hydrofoil
T4.1.1 Technical report on the ageing and fatigue related mechanical behaviour of the materialsTélécharger
T4.3.2 Fabrication plan of the sailboat and its components (confidential)